Migraine? Feel like removing your head?
Experiencing headaches on the days when you’re stressed at work is common. But, what if you get headaches time and again and feel rundown? This is what happens with people suffering from migraine.
Here’s Neha’s story, she has lived with migraine pain for almost 23 years.
When the doctor asked her if the migraine pain felt like pins and needles, she said: “No, it’s more like rubbing against a hot driveway impregnated with broken glass.”
She was 17 when she experienced her first migraine – her head was exploding as she threw up. After that first incidence, she felt like someone had turned on the switch. She had migraine symptoms every three weeks or so and they commonly occurred on the weekends.
Interestingly, due to this ‘weekend pattern’ of her migraine pain, she never missed college or work and no one ever believed her that it is more than a ‘headache’.
Migraine - more than a ‘headache’
Migraines can be one of the worst feelings in the world. A building pressure grows worse and worse until it almost feels as if your head is going to explode. You feel like removing your head from the body.
Neha used to get a sort of migraine aura. It was a strange feeling for her that sends her emotions all over the place, from a calm euphoria to fear. Her senses heightened, often lost balance, experienced dizziness and sensitivity to light before it actually kicked in and left her sick in bed for 2-3 days. She has taken over-the-counter pain relievers to ease the migraine pain, but the headache preferred to stay with her.
The importance of knowing your migraine triggers
Neha was tired of taking painkillers and it was not helping her in any way. In a hope to get some relief from the symptoms of migraine, she consulted a homeopathic doctor. Using her migraine log, doctors identified her headaches might be the result of a schedule change on the weekends – change in her sleep timings, eating pattern, or accumulated work or stress over the weekdays. Being a ‘party animal’, she spent her weekends partying till late in the night followed by skipping the breakfast, dehydration due to alcohol, irregular meal timings, and disturbed sleep.
The importance of seeking help
After a detailed case study, the doctor gave her a customized treatment plan for migraine. It worked well for her condition. Besides giving her homeopathic medicines for migraine, the doctor stressed on making a few lifestyle changes which helped her gain long-term benefits from the treatment.
Knowing the migraine triggers that were causing her headaches helped her live a more balanced and pain-free life. Be it a Monday or Saturday, she made sure to wake up and sleep at the same time every day and never skip meals. She reduced her coffee intake from 5-6 cups in a day to 1 cup coffee and 1 cup green tea. She even started doing workouts 3 days a week. Now, 42, she is been headache-free, living a healthy and happy life.
If you or someone you know is suffering from migraine pain, let them know that there is a safe, effective, long-term treatment for migraine headaches in homeopathy.
Homeopathic medicines for migraine have proven to be effective in treating migraine holistically from the root. Homeopathy applies the concept of individualization, which means that even if two people are suffering from the same types of migraine, they would not be given the same homeopathic medicines for migraine.
For example, homeopathic medicine Belladonna is given to the migraine sufferers with intense throbbing, pulsating headache. Homeopathic remedy Sanguinaria Canadensis is prescribed when the headache starts in the morning, increases during the day and lasts until sunset. It also works well in women during menopause.
A homeopathic doctor studies the whole case history of each of the patients — their exact nature of migraine symptoms, temperament, feelings, likes and dislikes, causes of migraine — and then suggest a homeopathic remedy suitable for each of them to ascertain deep-rooted and permanent cures. Therefore, do not self-treat, or self-medicate. Always consult a professional homeopathic doctor.