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Urinary Tract Infections


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect married women more commonly. They often have to deal with abdominal discomfort, pain and burning sensations while passing urine.
Even menopausal women may suffer from UTIs, largely owing to the lack of oestrogen, which protects the vagina from bad bacteria and prevents infections.

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Men and children have also shown susceptibility to UTIs, though in smaller numbers. Elderly men with enlarged prostates seem to develop frequent UTIs owing to the retained urine in their bladder. Poor hygiene, ill health, malnourishment, and kidney and bladder stones are linked to frequent UTIs among children.

In case of diabetics or obese people, matters can become more complicated, as they may end up with a kidney infection.

In recent years, drug resistance has increased with an alarming rate; thanks to easily available over-the-counter drugs. Ignoring such conditions can result in kidney damage and increased drug dependency.

Causes: Individuals who have kidney stones, diabetes, or have low immunity are more susceptible of getting urinary tract infections. To know more about other causes, Read more.

Symptoms: The signs and symptoms depend upon the area of involvement in the urinary system, that is, kidney, bladder and/or urethra. To know more about symptoms, Read more.

Diagnosis: Our homeopaths will conduct a detailed evaluation to identify the signs and symptoms of UTI. They may ask questions about your present and past illnesses. If needed, they may suggest blood test and urine analysis to understand the extent of infection. To know more about diagnosis, Read more.

Treatment approach at Dr Batra’sTM:

Step 1: First Consultation – Our homeopaths will spend 30-45 minutes with you to understand the exact cause of UTI. We will take into account your medical history, medication, and hygiene habits. Depending on all these factors, our homeopaths suggest customized homeopathic treatment for UTI that will help you cope with it.

Step 2: Medical Diagnosis – Our homeopaths will conduct a detailed evaluation to identify the signs and symptoms of UTI. They may ask questions about your present and past illnesses. If needed, they may suggest blood test and urine analysis to understand the extent of infection.

Step 3: Personalized Treatment - Natural homeopathic medicines are suggested based on the diagnosis made and extent of the condition.

Step 4: Advice on lifestyle – Making small lifestyle changes can help you prevent recurrence of the disease. Our homeopaths will provide guidance for self-care, nutrition, and lifestyle management. Read more.