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Skin Treatment - Dr Batras

Skin Treatment - Dr Batras

Lichen Planus – Overview

Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects almost 0.5 to 2% of the world population. It presents with dark, raised, flat-topped lesions, mostly affecting the skin, but can also involve the scalp, nails, oral cavity and genitals in many cases.

Lichen planus is neither infectious nor contagious in nature. Apart from being chronic, the disease has periods of remissions (when the symptoms disappear or reduce in intensity) and relapses (when the disease symptoms increase in intensity).

The disease can affect people of any age group, though it tends to be common in young adults and middle ages. However, children and old people can also be affected by this disease. Lichen planus affects females more commonly as compared to males. The cause of lichen planus is not well understood.

Causes of Lichen Planus

The exact cause of lichen planus has not been understood clearly yet. Some probable causes include immune reactions, chemicals, certain drugs, like anti-inflammatory medications, long-term use of certain antibiotics, excess stress, heredity and amalgam dental fillings.Read More

Symptoms of Lichen Planus

Lichen planus can be easily identified by the typical location of spots and their characteristic ‘violaceous’ appearance. Eruptions often involve the insides of wrists, ankles, lower back, scalp, nails and mucous membranes that line the mouth, nose, vagina, penis and anus. Small clusters in rows of flat-topped eruptions come up in these places; itching may vary from mild to severe.Read More


There are several variants of Lichen Planus but the most common to occur are Lichen Planus Pigmentosa, Lichen Planopilaris and Lichen Planus Actinus. Read More


Our doctors can mostly identify lichen planus based on visible signs & symptoms as well as your medical history. Additionally, we also use advanced technologies such as 3D imaging device and Dr Batra’s™ M.O.S.T for the analysis and evaluation of your skin condition and also to assess response to the treatment. Read More

Treatment approach at Dr Batra’s ™

Step 1: First Consultation – At your first consultation our doctors will spend 30-45 minutes with you. This is important for us to understand the root cause of your lichen planus and suggest a customized treatment based upon your medical history and lifestyle or any other stress factor that might have caused lichen planus.

Step 2: Medical Diagnosis - Our doctors can mostly identify lichen planus based on visible signs & symptoms as well as your medical history. Additionally, we also use advanced technologies such as 3D imaging device and Dr Batra’s™ M.O.S.T for the analysis and evaluation of your skin condition and also to assess response to the treatment. 

Step 3: Personalized Treatment – Natural homeopathic medicines are suggested based on cause and extent of your skin condition.

Step 4: Advice on nutrition & skin care regimen – Our doctors consult you on right nutrition and skin care regimen for better and long-lasting treatment results. Read More