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Surgery for Tonsils. Been there, done that? Try ‘safe’ homeopathy treatment

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 Dr Batra’s™  July 7, 2020

Have you ever had tonsillitis? That’s when your tonsils get sore and infected.

If you get recurrent infections of tonsillitis, your doctor may suggest you for a surgery to remove your tonsils. The surgery to remove tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. But be cautious before agreeing to a tonsillectomy as it may have long-term effects on your health. Some potential complications that could occur during or after a tonsillectomy include reactions to the anesthetic, swelling, bleeding, infection, fever, dehydration, snoring or breathing problems. Therefore, always discuss these risks with your doctor before going for surgery. Or, you may also choose not to have your tonsils removed. Tonsil infection can be treated effectively with ‘safe’ and ‘natural’ homeopathic treatment.

Here is Mohit’s story of living with tonsillitis and getting treated for the infection-

I was 7-years-old when I had the first bout of tonsillitis. My first tonsillitis symptoms included a runny nose, watery eyes, and a high fever. These tonsil symptoms progressed rapidly throughout the night and my mum tells me after that first bout of tonsillitis I became an irritable kid. I became a fussy eater – mum tried to feed me with different foods but I rejected most of them. That is because I experienced tightness and excruciating pain in my throat. The pain was like I had fiery needles or blades being tightened around my throat, neck, and jaw.

Frequent visits to the doctor and taking painkillers became a part of my life. I ate selected food items and was underweight for my height. Later, it started affecting my studies as well and I never wanted to follow a similar pattern throughout my life hence I decided to go for a surgery. I felt better after the surgery.

Fate decided the course for me and I was again hit by tonsil infection 2 years after the surgery. I moved abroad for further studies and my tonsil symptoms took a flare-up. Staying away from home and battling the disease, it was a really difficult phase of my life.

Meanwhile, my roommate suggested me to try homeopathy for treating tonsillitis symptoms. To my surprise, it worked wonderfully well for the tonsil infection. Although the effect of the treatment was a bit slow, homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis reduced the frequency of the disorder. The treatment also improved by immunity from within and provided a long-lasting solution for the tonsil infection.

‘Safe’ and ‘Natural’ homeopathic treatment for tonsillitis

The most common victims of tonsil infection are children. Parents are often stressed as most conventional medication options have side-effects and are painful. Homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis are natural, safe, and provide holistic healing.

Homeopathy focuses on providing relief from the physical symptoms of tonsillitis while tackling the root cause of the condition. The treatment strengthens your immune system from within to fight infection on its own. Treatment is customized as per your symptoms, temperament, and behavior.

Homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis are suitable for all age group and they are free from side-effects that normally accompany conventional medicines.

In one of the research studies conducted on 107 patients of acute tonsillitis, all the cases were treated with homeopathic medicines and no antibiotics were used. In as less as two and a half days after starting tonsillitis treatment, a significant reduction in the symptoms of tonsillitis was seen in the patients. No side-effects were reported at all in any of the cases. This study thus concluded that acute tonsillitis can be successfully and safely treated with homeopathy.

Self-help tips:

  • Ensure you drink enough fluids, as dehydration can make you feel worse.
  • Gargle with warm salt water, this helps to ease your pain in the throat.
  • Avoid air conditioning. Sitting in the A/C too long can lead to a dry cough.
  • Increase intake of vitamin C. It helps fight infection and build up immunity.  Include oranges, lemons, kiwi, strawberries, green peppers, guava, and broccoli in your diet.
  • Oily snacks and fast food can aggravate your swollen tonsils. Eat homemade food as much as possible. Skip snacking on biscuits, chips, and similar salty snacks.
  • Avoid sharing utensils. Wash and dry your hands after each meal.

Small steps like these help prevent the spread of germs and reduce episodes of tonsils infection. Also read