Natural Treatment for Adult Acne Using Homeopathy
You have an important event coming up and you wake up early in the morning; only to find a face filled with acne. You run to the nearest store and grab some Multani mitti (Fuller Earth), Sandalwood, and all the other items to treat your skin problems. You stack up every cosmetic there is in the world but it only leads to disappointment. Honestly, we’ve all been a part of such scenarios.
The reasons for acne could be many and they can adversely affect a person’s day-to-day life and personal relationships. Someone who suffers from acne might have low self-esteem due to embarrassment. If you are someone who suffers from acne, you have landed on the right blog.
To get to the right acne treatment, we will first discuss the reasons for acne, types of acne on the face, and homeopathic remedies to treat acne.
If you are looking for acne treatment, it is advisable to visit a professional homeopath who can guide you better according to your skin problems. Homeopathy not only treats acne but also its underlying causes with the help of specific homeopathy remedies.
The medical term for acne is Acne Vulgaris. The sebaceous gland located underneath the skin produces sebum, a complex mixture of oil that keeps the skin lubricated and moisturized. When these glands begin to produce excessive oil, the hair follicles push the oil to the skin's surface, resulting in acne. The largest sebaceous gland is situated on the face and back. This is why most people have acne in these particular areas.
There is a prevalent misconception that acne occurs only during adolescence, but such is not the case. Acne starts after the age of 20 and lasts until the age of 30 or 50 in the case of adult acne. In most cases, the factors that contribute to acne during adolescence are similar reasons for acne in adults. For instance, during adolescence, the sebaceous glands are active and as a result, produce excessive oil leading to acne.
As we move further in this blog, we will discuss the causes of acne, types of acne, remedies, and homeopathic treatment for acne.
The common causes of acne are as follows:
- Excess oil secretion by the sebaceous glands.
- Bacteria on the skin that clogs pores.
- Using cosmetics or make-up that clogs pores.
- Using shampoos that have harsh chemicals.
- Over exfoliation.
- Overexposure to the sun.
- Excessive sweating.
- Sleeping with make-up on.
- Poor diet.
- Consumption of greasy food items cooked in an unhealthy amount of oil.
- Lack of exercise.
- Medication with higher levels of lithium or testosterone.
- Smoking or use of other substances like alcohol.
- Family history of acne vulgaris.
- Stress
While these are the most common causes of acne, there are many underlying conditions in women that go undiagnosed. Ailments like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Thyroid, hormonal dysfunction, and menstrual cycle fluctuations are major contributors to acne. The acne caused due to these ailments is cystic and can leave life-long scars if left untreated.
The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology states that almost 22% of adult women and fewer than 5 percent of adult men are affected by acne.
Acne is primarily caused by the aforementioned factors. However, acne in men is mostly caused by a greater quantity of testosterone, resulting in oily skin. Beard, mustache, and facial hair may easily trap dirt and oil and produce germs, leading to acne.
- Whitehead: Whiteheads are small, white bumps that appear on the surface of your skin. They appear on the nose, chin, and forehead and usually occur when the skin is oily and trapped with dirt. They usually go away on their own and last up to 1 week.
- Blackheads: Blackheads are round, open comedones that appear on the face and other body parts like the neck, back, chest, arms, and legs. Blackheads arise when a clog or plug forms in the opening of your skin's hair follicles. When the skin around the bump relaxes, oxidation occurs as the skin is exposed to air causing the opening to turn black. Due to their color, they’re called blackheads.
- Acne Papules: Papules are also known as an inflammatory form of acne. They appear raised and pinkish and do not consist of fluid. When the walls enclosing the skin pores break down as a result of acute inflammation, papules appear. Papules are also called skin lesions. If left untreated, papules can spread and there could be visible scarring. These can last up to 2-3 weeks.
- Acne Pustules: Pustules are similar to papules, with the exception that pustules contain pus. They are smaller than a centimeter in size. They appear as the skin pores break down due to an inflammation caused in the skin wall.
- Nodules: A nodule is a growth of abnormal tissue under the skin's surface. Nodules form when blocked, and swollen pores become more irritated and enlarge. Nodules, unlike papules and pustules, are located deeper beneath the skin. As a result, this form of acne cannot be treated at home and must be treated by a doctor. This form of acne can be treated medically by lowering the size of the oil glands within the pores.
- Cystic Acne: Cystic acne is a severe form of acne that occurs when the pores of the skin get blocked by a mix of sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells. This acne develops deeper in the skin. This pimple type produces huge red or white pimples that are typically uncomfortable to the touch. Cysts are the most severe type of acne and generally develop as a result of a serious infection. This acne can lead to scarring if left untreated.
- Follow a healthy diet
- Avoid junk and deep-fried food.
- Wash your face masks or use disposable face masks.
- Exercise regularly
- Keep a check on your mental health.
- Address your emotions.
- Practice yoga or go for long walks.
- De-stress using a face mask.
- Be careful of the make-up products you use.
- Use light-weighted cosmetics.
- Invest in mild shampoos and facewash that do not clog pores.
- Do not over-exfoliate.
- Clean your phone screen regularly as it comes in contact with your face.
- Change pillow cases and bed sheets regularly.
- Drink Moderately and avoid smoking.
- Avoid popping your pimples.
- Always wear sunscreen while heading out.
- Consult a professional homeopath.
Have you ever felt embarrassed because people pointed out your acne? Have you ever said no to a party because you were too embarrassed to step out? You are not alone. If you have acne, the first thing you may do is glance in the mirror and pick the course of your mood based on how your acne looks. Knowingly or unknowingly, your appearance affects your mood.
A research paper published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), amalgamated 13 articles and one of those articles confirms that acne has been linked to greater rates of depression, anxiety, failure to flourish in school, and social settings, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts. Not just physical factors but environmental factors like climate change, a toxic working environment, or a deranged home can contribute to acne. Stress does not directly cause acne but it can aggravate it.
People who suffer from acne have stated that having acne makes them feel frustrated, dejected, unattractive, and embarrassed. Acne is not considered embarrassing, however, it is advisable to treat it because severe acne could be an indication of an underlying condition.
If you know someone who suffers from acne, it is advisable to practice empathy when you are around them. Pinpointing, bullying, or teasing can lead to a lower sense of self. They might become anxious and self-conscious and would further isolate themselves. Acne leaves emotional marks on the person suffering from it and hence, it is advisable to indulge in healthy conversations.
There are many over-the-counter ointments, medicines, and conventional treatments for acne. No matter how effective they are for the time being, their aftereffects are damaging and they might not work for everyone. Homeopathy on the other hand has a holistic approach to treatment. This means that it focuses on the physical as well as psychological wellbeing of an individual before prescribing acne treatment. It addresses underlying issues such as poor immunity, PCOS, thyroid, dietary deficiencies, allergies, stress, and so on. Furthermore, homeopathic remedies boost immunity and prepare your body to combat acne.
A case report published in Kargar Journal (S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg 2018) states that homeopathy can be used as a stand-alone acne treatment and that it does not have any side effects. It also helps to reduce the possibility of acne eruptions in the future.
Homeopathy medicines are derived from natural ingredients, making them safe and side-effect free. Here are a few homeopathic remedies for acne treatment:
- Calcarea Sulph – This acne medication can help treat cystic acne. Lesions caused by this form of acne take time to heal. This homeopathic acne treatment is best suited for people who are prone to sinus, ear, and tonsil infections.
- Kali Bromatum - This is a helpful acne treatment for an individual who suffers from acne scars. It aids in the treatment of acne scars as well as accompanying psychological issues such as fidgeting hands and feet, unpleasant nightmares, restlessness, disturbed sleep, and teeth grinding.
- Pulsatilla- Pulsatilla is an excellent homeopathic remedy for women. This treatment is advisable for the acne that occurs due to hormonal changes caused by adolescence, menstruation, or pregnancy.
- Silicea - This homeopathy acne treatment works well for severe pimples (cystic acne). This kind of acne may result in slow-healing boils that leave pitting scars. This acne medication is suggested for those who have infections regularly and have excessive perspiration on their palms and soles.
- Sulphur – This homeopathy remedy is used when a person has huge, but not too deep, blackheads and whiteheads. It is effective in treating itchy acne.
- Calcarea carbohydrate – This homeopathic remedy is advised for individuals who notice frequent acne eruptions. This homeopathy remedy is also useful in treating fatigue caused due to exertion.
Please note that these are homeopathy remedies and even though they do not have any side effects, it is advisable to not self-diagnose. Visit the nearest Dr Batra’s® clinic or book an appointment for further guidance.
Dr Batra’s® has over 35 years of experience in treating various skin ailments including acne and its underlying causes. Dr Batra’s® has treated over 1.4 million patients with skin ailments. The homeopathy doctors at Dr Batra’s® conduct an in-depth consultation to understand the patient’s history and their condition and on the basis of this analysis, individualized acne treatment is provided.
A 3D imaging device developed by the scientists at the Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland allows the dermatologist to see the skin in 2D & 3D. It can detect your skin's response to the acne treatment in the lower layers of your skin far earlier than the naked eye can see.
A patient receiving treatment at Dr Batra’s® said, “I have been under treatment at Dr Batra’s® clinic for the past nine months for cystic acne, which has pus-filled pimples that also bleed sometimes. Before starting this treatment, my face was marked with dark-colored pimple scars. Now, the scars have reduced to a great extent and new pimples have stopped erupting. Previously, I also suffered a lot of pain during menses, which has also completely disappeared. I have been under the treatment of Dr. Sangeetha, to whom I am deeply thankful, and also to the entire team at Dr Batra’s®.
If acne has weighed down your confidence, now is the right time to acquire professional help.