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Healing People. Changing Lives


May 13, 2010

Hair loss initially didn't bother this patient much until she began to see more of her scalp in the mirror.

Shirley initially didn't worry when she started seeing strands of hair all over her house, but she soon realised that she was seeing more and more of her scalp in the mirror. During her visit to Dr Batra's™ clinic, she mentioned that she had been suffering from hair loss since the last two years and gradually, it had progressed to this state. 

With a significant thinning of hair on the sides of the head and in the frontal region, she looked older than her current age of 24 years. She used to lose not more than 25-30 strands daily while combing her hair. Her hair loss had worsened after an attack of malaria that she had suffered from about one year back. Shirley also had premature graying of hair and had used ammonia-based hair colours twice in the past. Her father and paternal uncle had male pattern baldness that began during 35 to 40 years of age. 

In addition to the hair loss, Shirley had been suffering from recurrent headaches for the past three weeks. She would get a headache everyday and it would last for two to three hours. The pain would be better after sleep and would get worse from exposure to sun and by fasting.

Shirley had a normal appetite with a great liking for eggs and sweets. She had no complaints pertaining to bowels, urination and menses. Her sleep was sound in general, though she would often dream of falling from heights and would wake up with a jerk. She was sensitive to warmth and would prefer colder environments. 

On enquiring about her personality in general, Shirley remarked that she was a very sensitive lady by nature. She would get angry easily, though she was not expressive about it. She would remain alone when angry and would end up weeping sometimes, after which her anger would cool down. She did not like being consoled when angry. She stayed with her parents and younger sister, who all thought of her as a timid and introvert person. She would not mingle about much with people and would remain by herself all the time. She did not like to talk much and was lonely most of the time. She lacked confidence in herself. 

Shirley mentioned that she had been watching her parents indulge in a lot of arguments and fights since her childhood. She had a fear deep inside that they would separate and she did not want this to happen. She was very attached to both of them, more so to her father. Shirley would get very anxious before any meetings, in front of new people and before her exams in the past. She wanted to start a boutique of her own but had no confidence for the same. She was very good at drawing and painting, and during her free time, she liked to watch TV or surf the internet. 

Based on the details of the case, the consulting doctor at Dr Batra's™ prescribed the constitutional remedy for Shirley along with instructions to improve her diet for hair fall treatment. Gradually, her hair loss began to get better with the medication. Her complaints of headache persisted initially, but later, it came down. She had to continue with painkiller medication for some time to control the same, but would require it only occasionally later. Over a period of two years of treatment, Shirley stopped losing excess hair and the density of hair on her scalp also improved. She was much more confident when she concluded the treatment with Dr Batra's™