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Healing People. Changing Lives


Sep 10, 2009

A15-year-old boy lost interest in life due to asthma; homeopathy helped him breathe easy.

After shifting from Delhi to Mumbai, 15-year-old Shantanu Mukherjee (name changed) gradually developed an asthmatic state. Six years before he saw us, his complaints had started with an allergic cold and cough. Later, he developed breathlessness for which he was taken to the local physician, who put him on inhalers.

Over the previous four years, before consulting Dr Batra's™ , Shantanu would require inhalers more frequently and in spite of this, he would never be free from complaints. The physician shifted him from non-steroidal to steroidal inhalers but even that gave him temporary relief. If he would not take the inhaler or medication for even two days, he would develop weakness in the whole body with trembling. 

Shantanu's complaints would worsen during a change of weather, monsoon, dust, pollution, perfumes and fumes. There was nothing in particular which would give him relief from complaints. His general functions like appetite, thirst, stool and urination were all normal.

On enquiring about his nature, he stated that he had lost interest in life and was completely frustrated due to his illness. He had even quit school in sixth standard since he couldn't concentrate on studies. He would repeatedly fall sick every two or three days and would not be able to attend his class. In spite of trying all sorts of treatments, there was not much relief in his condition. He feared what would happen if he did not have medicine some day and he got an attack. It once happened that he got an attack when he was without the inhaler and he banged his head against the wall in anger about this situation. 

There was no history of asthma or any other illness in his family. His health had also been good since childhood, with no other illness apart from asthma. 

After evaluating his detailed history, the treating physician at Dr Batra's™ prescribed him his constitutional remedy. Within six months of starting treatment, he was able to taper down the dosage of inhalers. Shantanu could survive the monsoon without much discomfort and was feeling healthy in general. His treatment was continued on similar lines and he continued to improve steadily. About one year down the line, he would get mild attacks once a month, unlike the daily episodes that he had earlier. He would require an inhaler only once in three or four days now. He was asked to continue treatment to get further relief and reduce his dependency on inhalers. Today, Shantanu is back to his studies and is leading a normal, healthy life. His parents are pleased about their decision to bring him to Dr Batra's™ for treatment of his asthma.