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Healing People. Changing Lives


Feb 6, 2010

Troubled by trichotillomania, this 21-year-old approached Dr Batra's™ for homeopathy as a last resort.

Little did Rashmi (name changed) realise that her habit of plucking hair from the scalp would end up with the development of a big hairless patch on her scalp. This 21-year-old had thick hair initially when she got into the habit of plucking her hair and later, this became an irresistible thing for her. Clinically known as trichotillomania, this condition had troubled Rashmi for 10 years, and she had tried various conventional and ayurvedic treatments with no effect. Finally, she decided to opt for homeopathy treatment at Dr Batra's™.

People associated with her would frequently ask why her hair had thinned out so much but she never revealed to anyone about her habit of plucking out hair. She was in good health otherwise and had no problems whatsoever.

Rashmi had a normal appetite and was fond of sweets and spicy food in general. She could not tolerate much heat and would prefer to be in a cold environment. Her sleeping pattern was very disturbed and she would wake up at the slightest sound.

Studying a multimedia course, Rashmi was under some stress with respect to her future and career. Her anxiety would increase all the more when people around her would question her as to what she was planning to do in life. This would consequently result in depression. She would feel very nervous and anxious before meeting new people. When she was worried, she would unknowingly pluck her hair.

Rashmi was not being able to concentrate on her studies lately. She would easily get irritated and vent her anger in front of others. She could not tolerate domination at all. Otherwise, she was a very friendly person and an extrovert by nature.

There was no history of any major illnesses that she had suffered from in the past. Her paternal grandmother had suffered from hypertension and diabetes. Apart from this, there was no history of any illnesses in the family.

Based on the case history, Rashmi was prescribed her constitutional homeopathic medicine by the consultant at Dr Batra's™. Within four months of starting treatment, there was a considerable reduction in the size of the patch on her scalp. It showed improvement by almost 60%. Within the next six months, she got better and after completing two years of homeopathic hair loss treatment, her bald patch had completely recovered. Thanks to homeopathy, her habit of pulling hair was also completely gone. She no longer felt the urge to pull out her hair as before and was a happy woman at the end of her treatment.