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Healing People. Changing Lives


Sep 7, 2009

Tremendous improvement in chronic llergic rhinitis and acne after starting homeopathy made him smile again.

21-year-old Riteish Malhotra (name changed) would wake up every morning to severe bouts of sneezing since the last eight years. When he visited Dr Batra's™ for treatment, he had come with the great hope of being cured. 

His case was taken in detail and he reported having bouts of sneezing for two to three hours every morning on waking. This would be accompanied by right-sided nose blocks and a swollen sensation inside the nose. The discharge from his nose would be watery and his eyes would water constantly. 

His state would get worse from exposure to dust, perfumes, incense-sticks and after bathing. If there was too much sneezing, he would end up getting a headache. After he shifted to Mumbai eight years ago, his complaints of allergic rhinitis had begun and he did not get relief from any conventional medication that he had taken so far.

He also had complaints of acne since the last three months. White, pustular, painful eruptions would crop up on his face one after another. At any given time, his face would never be free from these eruptions. 

Riteish was very stressed and embarrassed on account of the acne. It had badly affected his confidence and he had stopped mingling with people due to this. He was fed up with questions from people about his acne and would often wonder why it had to happen to him.

Being an HR (Human Resources) executive, he handled recruitments at his company, which required him to look presentable at all times. However, due to the acne, he was tensed and this affected his confidence and performance. 

In general, his nature was moody yet he would get along easily with people, he said. 

His appetite was low for the past few years and thirst for water was very poor. Junk food and fried stuff was very dear to him and he was averse to bland food. He had no complaints pertaining to stools or urination. 

Based on his history, he was prescribed medicines by the treating physician at Dr Batra's™. Two months down the line, his acne was responding very well but his allergic rhinitis was almost the same. He was prescribed an intercurrent homeopathic remedy at this stage and within a month, his complaints tremendously improved. With continued treatment for some more time, his appetite improved significantly and he was back to his normal self. He was happy that he opted for homeopathic treatment at Dr Batra's™ at the right time.