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Healing People. Changing Lives


Jun 1, 2011

Photodermatitis troubled this 56-year-old lady for more than two decades.

Shanti had almost considered her skin problem photodermatitis (a form of eczema caused by exposure to ultraviolet light) a part of her life, especially since she had been living with it for a good 22 years. The 56-year-old lady suffered from patches of reddened skin with itching and scaling mainly on her face and exposed areas of the body. Her problems always got worse when she was out in the sun. At such times, there would be an increased scaling on her cheeks and around the mouth.

Shanti had tried everything under the sun for her complaints alas, there was no sign of relief. The allopathic medication she was on would give her some respite but the patches only recurred with a vengeance a few days later. She applied all sorts of ointments and tried her luck with ayurvedic medicines too, but without much difference.

While on regular medication for her photodermatitis as well as hypothyroidism and hypertension, Shanti approached us for homeopathic treatment. The consulting homeopath at the Ultadanga clinic evaluated her case in detail.

Shanti was soft-spoken and friendly in nature she seldom lost her temper, but whenever she did, her speech would be loud and fearless. She was sensitive by nature and had been under significant stress after the death of her husband a few years ago. Shanti thoroughly enjoyed eating spicy foods, sour things and fish. She would sweat profusely on the back.

She was prescribed Nux vomica 200 by the treating doctor at Ultadanga clinic. A month later, she returned to say that she was feeling somewhat better. The medication was continued and within few months, Shanti experienced freedom from photodermatitis for the first time in 22 years. Soon, it became a thing of the past for her. She is glad she found relief with Dr Batra's™ something she had not got anywhere else so far.