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Healing People. Changing Lives


Jul 25, 2009

Life was miserable for 23-year-old Sumeet who was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Describing his state as 'miserable', Sumeet (name changed), all of 23 years, pleaded 'I am dying, please save me'. He had been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) that had reached a very critical stage. 

About six years ago, he had undergone ileostomy for diverticulitis. Three months later, the ileostomy had been closed. It took him six or seven months to improve and he became almost normal, though somewhat underweight. 

About five years after this, he was diagnosed with reflux esophagus with a Zenker's diverticulum near the esophagus, and he started treatment for the same. This was when he started getting chronic diarrhoea.

The local doctors misdiagnosed it as food poisoning, amoebiasis, etc. initially. Finally, after a CT scan done in Mumbai, a gastroenterologist diagnosed it as IBS. He took conventional treatment for this for almost a year with no relief. On the other hand, he progressively worsened and started getting weaker over a period of time. 

About eight months before he came to Dr Batra's™, his loose motions had become very frequent, and he had constant gastritis and severe abdominal pain. His legs and feet swelled up and he was bed-ridden. 

When he reported to us for treatment, he had the following symptoms:
constant loose motions daily - ranging from 4-12 times every single day;
can't eat more than half a bread or chapatti, despite hunger;
can't eat even the slightest spicy food;
constant heartburn and reflux;
bloating of abdomen;
vomiting daily morning;
fatigue even on talking;
hands with swelling and no energy to do anything, not even get out of bed;
passing urine and stools in bed itself as he had no energy to get to the washroom; 
lost around 20 kilograms of weight (he was already underweight previously); and
un-refreshing sleep in general.

His conventional treatment was going on when he reported to us. He kept saying that his life had become hell and he wanted us to save him from dying. He was severely depressed on account of all this and was sure he would die if not helped immediately. In addition, he also had protein intolerance and lactose malabsorption. 

He was an MBA student, but could seldom go to college on account of his illness. He had developed a lot of anxiety of late and had become aggressive due to his state. Burdened by constant stress due to his illness and due to his younger brother's death in a train mishap, he was depressed. 

He was described as having a great upbringing by his parents, with no difficulties with studies. He was studious, sincere, introvert as a child and a constant topper throughout his student life. A tendency to get very anxious and stressed before results, medical reports, etc., was a common phenomenon for him. 

People acting illogically would make him very angry and impulsive. He described his nature as being blunt; he could not do things just for the sake of pleasing others. 

He had great will power and determination, and that is how he overcame life threatening illnesses each time. 

His treatment was started at Dr Batra's™ and the consulting doctor prescribed him constitutional treatment for his IBS. About two months after starting treatment, he had started to tolerate foods better than before and his weight improved slightly, though he was still weak. Treatment was continued on similar lines. After another month, his father very pleasantly reported to us that the patient could now eat almost everything except milk and milk products, and had started moving about comfortably in the house. His stools had also been normalised to once or twice a day. 

After about eight months of homeopathic treatment, his father said that his son had gained weight and was now enjoying food a lot more than before. He is very much grateful to Dr Batra's™ for bringing his son back to life. All reports of the patient are now normal except that his albumin is low, although much better than before. Overall, his health, physical as well as mental, is much better than before, and he is a healthy and satisfied man today.