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Healing People. Changing Lives


Dec 5, 2012

Homeopathy treatment not only cured his deep vein thrombosis, but also helped him enjoy life to the fullest.

39-year-old Girish (name changed) visited the clinic with complaints of severe pain in the calf muscles, swelling of the right lower limb and purpuric patches on both legs. The pain and swelling would be so excruciating at times that it compelled him to take sick leave from work on a regular basis.

Girish would experience severe pain in his legs, usually at night. He was on Dianaoprin, an allopathy medicine, for over a year without much respite from the pain and swelling. Based on these typical symptoms, 'a doppler ultrasound test' was advised to him. Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive test that can be used to measure blood flow and blood pressure by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating red blood cells.

The doppler study of both lower limbs revealed deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with soft tissue oedema below the calf. We promptly prescribed two doses of Arsenic Album 200 and asked him to stop the allopathy medicines slowly and eventually. Within four months of treatment, the red patches on his legs had disappeared, with great improvement in pain and swelling of legs. As his homeopathic treatment continued, we found that there was no reappearance of red patches, his pain in the calf muscles and swelling of the legs had gradually reduced.

We repeated the doppler ultrasound test by the end of nine months; he showed no signs of deep vein thrombosis. He no longer suffers from leg swelling and pain. This holistic treatment not only gave Girish complete freedom from the pain and agony, but also helped him enjoy his life to the fullest.