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Healing People. Changing Lives


Nov 25, 2009

Homeopathy helped this 40-year-old with bilateral kidney stones avoid surgery.

When 40-year-old Mr Swaminathan (name changed) came to  Dr Batra's™ for the homeopathic treatment of his kidney stones, he was not aware that homeopathy could completely cure his problem and help him avoid surgery. He had come simply to seek some relief from his pain and suffering.

Mr Swaminathan's reports stated that he had one kidney stone (renal calculus) on the right side measuring 12.8 mm along with some swelling of the right kidney (hydronephrosis). He also had another small stone in the left kidney and this one measured 7.6 mm. He had been suffering from the pain since four months before he came to us for treatment. Mr Swaminathan's doctor had recommended him to go for surgery and had prescribed him pain-killers, which gave him little relief. Instead, he came to us on the insistence of his friend who had benefited a lot by Dr Batra's™homeopathic treatment.

Along with kidney stones, he was suffering from lumbar spondylosis and diabetes since four years.

Mr Swaminathan had a normal appetite and a strong liking for sweets. He also liked hot foods and drinks. His sweat would be offensive and would leave behind yellowish stains on his clothes.

Working as the head of the IT department at an MNC, he was a very fastidious man. He also described himself as being dominating in nature. His childhood had been unpleasant since his father was very dominating and he was very scared of his father. He was very brilliant in his studies.

Even though he was successful in his career, Mr Swaminathan had a strong fear of failure. Before taking up any task, he would be very anxious as to whether he would be able to accomplish the same or not.

The consulting doctor prescribed him his constitutional medicine for all his complaints. Within one month of starting treatment, there was much relief in his pain and other complaints. He would no longer get episodes of pain that troubled him earlier. With continued treatment, his life gradually got back to normal. When his repeat ultrasonography was done, the report was absolutely normal and there were no calculi in either kidney.

Today, he is very thankful to homeopathy, which helped him to avoid surgery, and treated him gently and safely.