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  • Homeopathy treats children's allergies

    Millions of children suffer from allergic illnesses. About 12% below age seven are allergic to certain foods. Allergies are one of the leading causes of…

  • Eczema and homeopathy

    Eczema is a chronic skin condition in which there is an irritation and inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It…

  • Homeopathy treats excessive, unwanted sweating

    We are an extremely adaptive species. We are constantly evolving and maintaining our balance and harmony. This process is constant. For example, in the…

  • Homeopathy helps us to stay naturally healthy

    Our body is smarter than we all think. It can heal itself when in distress with gentle medicinal stimulation. Physical illnesses can affect our emotional…

  • Homeopathy calms the heat of summer ailments

    Its summer time. The temperature is anything but bearable. Well, it also looks like natures 'thermostat', which regulates our bodys temperature, is…

  • Homeopathy treats anger and anxiety gently

    Homeopathy suggests that illness, or disease, is internal imbalance which first presents itself at our most fundamental levels. Illness, according to…

  • Homeopathy relieves asthmatic distress safely

    Picture this. Most of us are unable to breathe freely when we are severely allergic to odour, smoke, pollutants, pollen, moulds, house mites and dust. Or…

  • Homeopathy treats hair loss safely

    Losing hair is no joke. It can sometimes be a serious sign. Hair loss in certain individuals is suggested to reflect an underlying, or waiting-to-happen,…

  • Homeopathy stops the ‘hair pulling' disorder effectively

    People who pull their own hair are said to be 'bitten' by a strange illness called trichotillomania (hair-pulling insanity, in Greek). Trichotillomania is…

  • The ‘hair-raising' benefits of homeopathy

    Alopecia areata, or loss of hair in patches, is the most common type of hair loss. It can affect any hair-bearing area of the body, albeit the term often…