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Menopause FAQs

Can the hot flushes and mood swings I am experiencing during menopause be treated?

Yes. Our treatments can help reduce hot flushes and mood swings that commonly occur during menopause.

My memory is not as good as it used to be. Can this be due to menopause ?

Yes. Difficulty in concentrating and remembering are common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. If you are experiencing these symptoms please consult our doctors and discuss it with them.

I have trouble sleeping, and I feel tired all the time. Can this be due to menopause?

Yes. Sleep disturbances are a common symptom of menopause and are experienced by many women. Tiredness is common during menopause and often results from the lack of quality sleep that is caused by insomnia and hot flushes that are associated with menopause.

My hot flushes are not as intense as the ones my friends describe. Is this normal?

The hot flushes are very common in perimenopause, but not all women experience them, and not all flushes are of the same intensity. Hot flushes can be as mild as a light blush or severe enough to wake you from a sound sleep and be associated with perspiration (called night sweats). It lasts for 30 seconds to 5 minutes. They usually disappear within a few years after menopause, but in some women they can continue for decades.

Besides the hormone replacement therapy, how can I treat hot flushes?

Proper homeopathic treatment will help in relieving hot flushes in a holistic manner. Studies conducted internationally show that homeopathy helps treat hot flushes effectively.




Myths and facts:

  1. Menopause begins at 50.
    The average woman begins menopause in her early 50s, but you may start your transition anywhere from your 30s to your 60s. You may even still be having periods when you start to experience unusual fatigue, hot flushes, mood swings, irritability and weight gain. If you are having these symptoms, you might be having perimenopause, the shift leading up to menopause. Perimenopause can last from a few months to up to 13 years prior to menopause.
  2. Weight gain is inevitable in menopause.
    Weight-gain is an absolute in menopause, but it can be controlled. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause give rise to this weight gain. The body's metabolism tends to slow down, which also adds to the problem. Weight-gain around the waist, hips and thighs is commonly seen.
  3. Hair loss is common during menopause, but the hair will grow back after some time.
    Hair loss is a common symptom of menopause. However, the hair does not necessarily grow back. Therefore, it is essential to take medical treatment for your hair. Homeopathy is a good answer to help you with your menopause and your hair loss as well.
  4. The older you are when you get your period, the older you will be when you go through menopause.
    For many women, just the opposite is true. If you started menstruating later than usual, you may begin menopause earlier. Predicting the age you will begin menopause is very difficult, but there are some of the influencing factors which may be smoking, drinking, your mother's menopausal age and your pregnancy history.
  5. Menopause only causes physical symptoms.
    Many women experience unnerving changes in their emotions, memory and concentration during perimenopause and menopause due to sudden shifts in hormones. Changes in the oestrogen and progesterone levels may cause mood swings. Drops in the progesterone may cause increased irritability and moodiness. Also, be mindful that menopause is a developmental milestone in women's life. It is sometimes referred to as 'adolescence in reverse'. Many women begin to reflect on who they are and what they want to do with the rest of their life.