Lichen Planus - FAQs
Is lichen planus contagious?
Lichen planus is not contagious. It does not spread with any kind of physical contact.
I have lichen planus on my left arm. Are there any possibilities of it getting spread to the other areas?
Yes, lichen planus may spread to one or more parts of the body.
My healthcare adviser said that I have got lichen planus because of some previous medication. I have changed the medication since, and yet, I see no signs of cure. Can homeopathy help?
Yes. Homeopathy can definitely help you, but you will need proper medication to treat it. It is believed that allergic reactions to certain medicines causes lichen planus. The reason for reappearing or visible marks is the auto-immune nature of this disease, in which the body's protective cells attack the body's own tissues.
Even if I start with homeopathy for my lichen planus, how much time will it take to completely treat this disease?
The response of the treatment depends on several factors, namely, the duration, your general health and the extent of its spread on your body
I am taking medication for hypertension. Do I have to stop it for treating lichen planus?
Generally, homeopathic medication does not interact with the conventional medicines. However, it is always advised to check with your healthcare provider for best results.
Myths and facts
- Lichen planus is caused due to wrong foods.
Lichen planus is not caused due to dietary habits. - Lichen planus is caused due to lack of sleep.
Lichen planus increases with stress, but there is no direct relationship between lack of sleep and lichen planus. - If I have lichen planus, my child will also get it.
Though lichen planus is known to have genetic causes, whether it will be transmitted to the next generation or no cannot be said with certainty. - Lichen planus can occur due to insect bites.
Insect bites do not lead to lichen planus.