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Homeopathy treats asthma safely and surely

Asthma is a psychosomatic disorder triggered by allergens, dysfunctional relationships, domestic violence and stress. It is a global problem. There are over 30 crore asthmatics in the world. Its reported that about 2,50,000 people die from asthma every year. Statistics also shows that asthmatic adults lose nearly 1.3 crore workdays each year.

The primary reason why asthma develops in some people, not in others, isnt well understood. However, certain risk factors like allergies and stress have been identified these are proven to make one susceptible to the condition. On the other hand, it must be remembered that not every case of 'breathing misery' progresses into asthma, despite the presence of risk factors. Besides, asthma is not 'set-off' by emotional factors alone. Researchers suggest that anxiety is often the effect of asthma, not necessarily the cause. A combination of family history and exposure to allergens, like pollen and mould, mites, animal dander, smoke and chemicals, are major trigger factors for asthma. Likewise, certain conventional medications, like painkillers, or certain foods, obesity, or infections, can also 'activate' asthma.

Anil (21) suffered from asthma, which had troubled him for over ten years. He was tired of using inhalers, steroids and, sometimes, injections to combat asthma attacks. His regular activities were curtailed to such an extent that his non-attendance affected his academics and, in turn, his grades. Because of this, he was depressed; also, desperate. During case analysis, I found that Anil felt better by bending his head backwards, not forwards, as is the case with most asthmatics. Based on this unique indication, I gave him Hepar Sulphuricum.

The medicine not only relieved him of asthma, but with extended symptom-free periods, he also got better grades. Generally, asthmatics cough and feel breathless. This is typically better by bending forwards; it is often worse while lying on ones back. Here was a case that was special from the rest in its uncharacteristic presentation of feeling better by bending backwards. This is the beauty and distinctive feature of homeopathy. It treats the individual, not based on the disorder alone, but also looks into the finer aspects of ones unique temperament and sensibilities.

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 8 September 2010