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  • Studies suggest that there has been a 250 per cent rise in hair loss cases, especially in the 16-25 age group
  • 25% of men experience hair loss before they attain the age of 21
  • Losing hair could be the first visible sign of heart disease [if it is from the top of the head]
  • A study showed that 41 per cent of men with full heads of hair were selected for job interviews as compared to only 27 per cent of balding men. Rejection at work and marriage can result in loss of self esteem and can even lead to depression and suicide
  • Studies show that most men, in their 30s, will encounter some hair loss that is beyond the normal range. By 60, most men are on their way to baldness.
  • Hair loss can affect both the genders
  • It is estimated that 13% of women suffer from baldness before they reach menopause.


All of us tend to lose hair, though we may not see it. Approximately 100 hair strands fall out of our scalp daily. There is also continuous hair growth on our scalp. This is the reason why we dont usually notice hair loss when it first begins. However, there are other factors that affect the cycle of hair growth and falling. When this happens, baldness may occur.

The most common factor for hair loss is genetic. You may end up with a bald pate if there is a tendency for it, either from the maternal or the paternal side. The resultant genetic condition for hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia [AGA], or male pattern baldness. You can therefore easily blame it on your genes, for nearly 50 per cent of all cases of premature baldness are hereditary. Other causes include dandruff, atopic dermatitis, or eczema.

Scalp hair is also sometimes damaged by cosmetic procedures like prolonged traction, permanent weaving, faulty scalp massage, chemical colours, and shampoos, and medical problems such as iron-deficiency anaemia and thyroid.

Certain conventional medications such as steroids and anti-cancer drugs may also cause diffused hair loss. Short-term hair loss may occur in women taking oral contraceptive pills.

There are other triggers for hair loss, including parasitic infection, stress and emotional problems, including daily application of treated, or chlorinated, water to the scalp, lack of exercise and gout.

Many women notice hair loss three months after theyve had a baby. This hair loss is hormonal. During pregnancy, high hormonal levels cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, hair falls out and the regular cycle of growth and loss begins anew.


Hair loss is directly related to mind and body wellness. It could be indicative of the following conditions:

  • Dandruff
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Ovarian cysts, or polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS]
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Autoimmune diseases [for example, systemic lupus erythomatsus, or SLE, which affects the skin, joints, kidneys, brain and other organs].


Dry, Limp, Thin Hair

This may be a precursor for hypothyroidism. In some cases, hair loss on the eyebrows, especially in the outermost third layer of the eyebrow, can be a signal of bad health.

Scaly or Crusty Patches on the Scalp

A scaly scalp may be due to psoriasis, a common skin disorder. This can help doctors to prevent and treat more serious conditions, especially psoriatic arthritis, or painful swelling of the joints.

Overall Hair Loss

Urban lifestyles have given way to unnecessary stress and worries. Stress at work, due to relationship issues, the loss of a life partner, or job loss can cause thinning of hair. A bout of flu or fever, such as malaria, can also lead to hair loss.

Dry, Brittle Hair That Breaks Easily

Sometimes hair gets too dry and lacks lustre, standing out like thin straw. This may be a sign of iron-deficiency anaemia. It affects nearly 60 per cent of Indian women.

Hair Loss in Small, Circular Patches

This kind of hair loss may be a sign of autoimmune disorders [for example, systemic lupus erythromatosis, or SLE], early-onset diabetes and thyroid disease.


A study conducted in Scotland reports that 90 per cent of individuals with hair loss opted for homeopathy as the first line of treatment. This is because it can slow down the progression of bald patches and fill up scanty hair areas with new hair, leading to a complete recovery in most cases.

Besides, we have, in our cumulative experience, at our clinics, successfully treated over 2,50,000 hair loss patients, based on the most advanced scientific treatment protocols. Our results confirm that professional homeopathic treatment is clinically beneficial and effective in treating hair loss without side-effects.

Clinical studies in Europe have shown that after homeopathic treatment 83 per cent of women patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome had no signs of ovarian cysts. There was a marked reduction in their hair loss too.

International studies have shown that natural ingredients found in homeopathic remedies like Thuja Occidentalis and Sabal Serrulata are effective in treating hair loss. They have also been proven to act as natural DHT [dihydrotestosterone]-inhibitors. DHT is the hormone that triggers hair loss. Other treatment methods include natural homeopathic topical solutions and natural hair care kits, which your homeopath-trichologist will prescribe, subject to your specific needs, including pain-free mesotherapy a new technological advance that involves delivering hair-growth serum into the mesoderm [i.e., 1mm under the scalp skin], without piercing the surface, as well as surgical procedures, such as hair transplant.