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To support himself, Dr Hahnemann started translating medical books in different languages, as he knew over a dozen languages, and was a fine translator of scientific works.

When he was once engaged in the translation of William Cullens classical work, Lectures on the Materia Medica, in 1790, he could not resist or contain his analytical excitement. Cullens statement that cinchona [quinine] bark possessed specific febrifugal [fever-relieving] properties, because it was one of the most aromatic and bitter substance known, aroused his scientific mind and curiosity.

Hahnemann felt that there were many more substances, not just barks, having extremely bitter and fragrant properties. None of them had the strength to cure fevers, especially malaria-like fevers. He was eager to test the idea. He drank a decoction of cinchona bark to test the results. He developed a malarial like fever with chills. This laid the foundation for homeopathy. Hahnemann then expounded his principle: Likes cures Likes.

For example, when you chop onions, you have watery eyes, a runny nose, you sneeze, cough and all of it happens due to exposure to the tubers active substances. The homeopathic remedy, Allium Cepa, made from red onion, can help you overcome a cold or allergy attack in which you may have similar symptoms watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, or throat irritation.


Conventional medicine defines health as the absence of disease. A certain physical condition, along with its share of symptoms, is labeled an illness. To attack, fight and knock down the symptoms of the disease, without addressing its root cause is the remedy.

Homeopathy on the other hand suggests that symptoms are the bodys warning signs and failed attempts to restore balance, harmony, health and well-being. It focuses on the whole person rather than just treating symptoms or 'disease labels'.

Homeopaths aim to treat the root cause of a problem and not just mask symptoms, with the ultimate aim being total alleviation of symptoms rather than just symptomatic relief.


Homeopathy is the pioneer of vaccine therapy

Modern vaccination therapy has eradicated polio and many such destructive diseases worldwide. But, did you know that years before vaccination was invented, Dr Hahnemann had conceived and charted a course for it? When Dr Hahnemann introduced this theory, Louis Pasteur, credited as founder of vaccines, was just 8 years old. Hydrophobinum was the worlds first vaccine made by Dr Hahnemann from the saliva of a rabid dog to treat hydrophobia a condition caused by the bite of a mad dog.

Homeopathy introduced the concept of mind-body medicine

Homeopathy is holistic, mind-body medicine that focuses on the individual who presents himself/herself with the illness not merely the illness in isolation. It is only recently that the conventional practitioners are realizing the importance of mind-body medicine where the patient is treated not in compartments or segments but as one, unified whole.

Allergy today is treated with homeopathys Principle of Similars

Today, several conventional allergy elimination techniques are based on the principle of similars introduced by homeopathy more than 200 years ago. A conventional allergy specialist conducts a series of tests to find the allergen thats affecting someone. Then this same allergen is given to that individual in significantly smaller and smaller concentrations until the allergy goes away. This is the basis of homeopathy principle.

Homeopathy deciphered the concept of psychosomatic medicine

Homeopathy was a forerunner of psychosomatic medicine. Patients of mental disorders were then considered as being possessed by spirits because such abnormal behavior would only be possible if someone is under the power of the devil. Therefore, such people were tortured. Hahnemann first deciphered the concept of psychosomatic illness & depression and treated patients of mental diseases gently with homeopathy.

Homeopathy laid the foundation for individualistic treatment

Homeopathy lays great emphasis on putting together a case history detailing the persons individualistic constitution comprising of physical and emotional health, temperament, sensibilities, sensitivities and idiosyncrasies plus inherited or acquired characteristics including genetics, or family history.


An appropriate remedy is that whose symptom-picture best matches with the patients psychological and physical make up when healthy and also during illness. The more carefully selected the homeopathic remedy, the better it will work.


Homeopathy is tried & tested

Over 180 controlled and 120 randomised trials into homeopathy have been conducted. In a majority of instances, research has confirmed the healthy, biological and physiological healing benefits of homeopathy.


Homeopathy is one of the most effective modes of treatment because:

  • It has proven efficacy
  • It is safe with no side effects, suitable for children, geriatrics and animals
  • It is cost effective
  • It can be taken as complementary medicine with other forms of medicines
  • No complicated dos and donts
  • It is easy to use
  • It is non-invasive