Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is an allergic response of the respiratory system of the body to an allergen. It is commonly known as hay fever.
Allergic rhinitis symptoms include running or stuffed nose, itchy eyes and sneezing. You should visit your doctor when the allergic rhinitis symptoms get severe or your symptoms are not responding to home remedies or the allergic rhinitis symptoms are disrupting your daily routines badly.
Allergic rhinitis symptoms are triggered by inhaling windblown pollens from trees or grass; molds; house dust mites; pet dander, cockroaches; strong perfumes or certain chemicals for those working in factories.
Allergic Rhinitis Treatment
Allergic rhinitis treatment with conventional medicines consists of inhalers, anti-allergic medicines and nasal sprays. As soon as the effect of these medicines wear off, the symptoms return and may be with increased intensity. Gradually the frequency of taking the medicines may increase with not much relief of symptoms. Homeopathic medicines for allergic rhinitis are the best option one could avail. A homeopathic medicine for allergic rhinitis treatment aims at decreasing the frequency and intensity of attacks and gradually increasing the disease free period. Stress could also not allow allergic rhinitis to settle soon. Homeopathic medicine treats stress very effectively which reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. Homeopathic medicines also help to boost the immunity of the individual which helps to have a longer disease free period. Homeopathic medicine helps to improve the overall quality of life.
Apart from allergic rhinitis treatment with medicines, treating your surroundings is also very important.
Allergy-proof your surroundings:
- If you have pets in the house then it is advisable to bathe your pet atleast once a week to reduce the allergy caused by their dander. The fur shed by the pet is also an allergen. So cutting the hair short and cleaning the sofa’s and bed is very important.
- Cleaning curtains and sofa’s is very important. The house dust mites which are one of the causes of allergic rhinitis settle on the curtains and sofas and bring on an attack of sneezing as soon as the individual comes in contact with it.
- Clean the windows regularly; dust the books on the shelves; wash the bed sheets and pillow covers at least once a week; soft toys need to be washed regularly to avoid triggering of an attack.
- Keep the bathrooms dry after use as molds tend to form in wet places which are also a known triggering factor for allergic rhinitis.
- Vacuum cleaning the house is the best but keeping the vacuum cleaner clean is also very important.
- Wash the used vessels and clean the kitchen sink. Unwashed vessels and dirty sinks could breed cockroaches which are also known allergens. Hence keeping the kitchen clean and tidy not only prevents the attacks of allergic rhinitis but is also helpful keeping the gut normal.
- Bread has a tendency to form fungus or molds. Dispose the bread as soon as they turn stale.
- If you are painting your house or have moved into in new house where the paint is still fresh; this could also trigger an attack of allergic rhinitis. Person suffering from allergy issues should take care of staying away from such environment until the strong smell settles or should use a mask to prevent inhaling of strong chemicals used in paints.