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Manage stress effectively with holistic homeopathy

Vikram (34) suffered from profound stress, trepidation and anxiety. During case-analysis, Vikram reported that his anxieties made him 'freeze' and rendered him speechless before a presentation. He said that the very thought of an impending situation made him extremely nervous and sweaty. This is typical of anticipatory anxiety. We prescribed him Gelsemium Sempervirens, a homeopathic remedy, which is useful for stressful emotions linked with anticipatory anxiety, especially before exams, interviews, or presentations on the job. Six weeks later, Vikram reported that he was less anxious and felt much better than before thanks to his reduced stress levels.

Stress is often an outcome of shock, grief, disappointment or life-changes. When stress is left untreated, stress responses can become longterm or chronic. Stress and health are closely linked. Homeopathy helps to rebalance the mind and emotions. It is effective in people of all ages from children with emotional or behavioural problems to adults bogged down by stress, anxiety, marital discord or job loss. Ignatia Amara, for example, is useful for stress associated with a sad event or after shock, apprehension and emotional despondency. Natrum Muriaticum is, likewise, effective in stress, accompanied by intense fear. Piper Methysticum is useful for general or everyday stress.

There are a handful of practical measures that can help one reduce and manage stress in conjunction with homeopathic treatment. They are: try to do something different when stressed or anxious; practice relaxation techniques, listen to soft music, and sing or dance along. Help others, be with others, speak to or visit friends. Physical exercise walking, swimming, working-out at the gym, cycling, or taking the stairs instead of the lift is also useful. Likewise, a hobby can be relaxing and enjoyable. Most important: dont 'take' stress. Learn to say no.

In a national survey conducted by the Society of Homeopaths, UK, and published in the reputed journal, The Homeopath, 87% patients who complained of stress related mental and emotional problems reported positive changes after homeopathic treatment.

Article by Dr Mukesh Batra
L.C.E.H., F.H.M.A. (U.K.), F.R.S.H. (Med) P.(Lon), M.D.H. (U.S.A.), F.B.I.H.(U.K.)
Published in Times of India on 24 May 2011

Manage stress effectively with holistic homeopathy