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  • Dander - (dan-der)

    Small scales from animal skin/hair or bird feathers

  • De-pigmentation - (de-pig-men-ta-tion)

    Absence or loss of pigmentation

  • debilitating - (de-bili-ta-ting)

    Impairing strength and vitality, making one weak

  • Deficiency - (de-fi-cien-cy)

    A shortage of substances necessary to health; an amount that is lacking or inadequate

  • Degenerative - (de-gen-er-a-tive)

    That which is marked by gradual deterioration of organs and cells along with loss of function; caused due to ageing in most cases

  • Dehydration - (de-hy-dra-tion)

    Dryness resulting from the loss of fluids

  • Delirium - (deli-ree-um)

    A state of violent mental agitation

  • Delusion - (de-lu-sion)

    An abnormal state in which a person has a persistent, false belief that is maintained, despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. This belief may be with regards to one's own self, other people or any object.

    An inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real.

    E.g. A person may falsely believe that a rope lying in front of him is a snake, despite everybody trying to convince him that it is only a rope.

  • Diabetes mellitus - (Dia-be-tes mel-li-tus)

    Diabetes caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and characterised by polyuria

  • Dihydrotestosterone - (di-hy-dro-tes-tos-ter-one)

    An androgen (male sex hormone) that is derived from the hormone testosterone. DHT is responsible for the formation of male primary sexual characteristics during embryonic life. It is responsible for the development of most secondary sexual characteristics in males at puberty. It continues to be important for male sexual function throughout adult life.